Innowacje mamy w genach

16 listopada 2017


Short-term outcome after use of a prophylactic mesh in emergency stoma formation


A. Lykke, L. N. Jorgensen, T. Mynster
Digestive Disease Center, Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Presented at: 1st World Conference on Abdominal Wall Hernia Surgery, Milan, Italy 2015



Initial experience with use of a synthetic mesh in patients undergoing tissue expander breast reconstruction


A.T. Manning, S. Sharma, P.A. Cronin, M. Barry, M.R. Kell
Department of surgery, Mater Misericordiac University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

Presented at: 23rd Sylvester O’Halloran Perioperative Scientific Symposium, March 2015, Ir J Med Sci  (2015) 184 (Suppl 5): S127-S210



Does TIGR earn its stripes? – Outcomes of reconstructive breast surgery using a long-term absorbable synthetic matrix (preliminary result)


K. Peek , M. Winter, J. Todd
The University of Otago, Canterbury, New Zealand

Presented at: Royal Australasian Annual Congress 2015, ANZ J. Surg. 2015; 85 (Suppl. 1)

Poster number: BS028P


Single stage expander-implant reconstruction following mastectomy for advanced breast cancer: Delivering the novelty in New Zealand

E. Foo, J. Todd
Oncoplastic Breast and General Surgeon, CDHB, Christchurch, New Zealand

Presented at: World Congress on Controversies in Breast Cancer (CoBRA), Melbourne, Australia, 2015